Deacon Sunday

Sunday October 11, 2025
Bulletin or Flocknote Quote:
Deacon Sunday is a special day set aside to honor the diaconate. It is a day to affirm these men who have said YES to serving the Church in a profound way. Deacons are fully ordained clergy, reporting directly to the bishop.
Pray for your deacons, pray for vocations, thank your deacon, invite your deacon to dinner, and/or send a card or letter to a retired deacon.
Prayers of the Faithful:
For all deacons who are ordained to serve our Church, that their ministry may be fruitful and appreciated by the people whom they serve, we pray to the Lord…
For the gift to our (parish or diocese) of vocations to the ordained diaconate, that good men may be drawn to love and to serve the People of God, we pray to the Lord…
That we may never take the presence of our deacons for granted, as we cherish their service to us at church, at home and in the hospital, we pray to the Lord…
For all deacons who struggle with challenges of balancing family, work, and the church, that they may be guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord…
For deacons, who now sleep in peace of the resurrection, and for those who may die this year or this day, that God lead them gently into their eternal reward, we pray to the Lord…
Thank You Cards/Tarjetas De Agradecimento: