Priesthood Sunday

Sunday September 28, 2025
Bulletin or Flocknote Quote:
Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor the priesthood. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. This nationwide event is coordinated and sponsored by the USA Council of Serra International.
Pray for your priests, pray for vocations, thank your priest, invite your priest to dinner, and/or send a card or letter to a retired priest. Download a card at
Prayers of the Faithful:
For our priests whom we honor this Priesthood Sunday weekend, that their ministry may be fruitful and appreciated by all people whom they serve, we pray to the Lord
That our parish family may always embrace our priests and sustain their ministry by our love, our constant prayer and our trust in their leadership, we pray to the Lord
Blessing for your Priest:
In your loving kindness, O good and gracious God, you sent your Son to be our shepherd and guide. Father___________ continues Christ's ministry of working in the vineyard by sustaining and guiding your holy people. Bless Father___________. Let your Spirit uphold him always in his service to the people of this parish. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Flyers for the Bulletin Board (portrait pdf)
Priesthood Sunday - English
Domingo del Sacerdocio - Español
Prayers for the Faithful from Serra US
Serra US: More Links (Blessing Prayer, Coloring Sheets, Decorations, Planning Guides and more)
19 Ways to let your parish priests know they're appreciated