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Novena for Priests

Pray for Priests through the

intercession of St. John Vianney


July 27 to August 4


St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of Priests

Feast Day: August 4


O God our Father, you promised “I will appoint shepherds for my sheep who will shepherd them so that they need no longer fear and tremble: and none shall be missing.” (Jer. 23:4-5). Through the intercession of Saint John Vianney we pray that men who desire to serve you, in imitation of the humble saint, respond to the call to the Priesthood.


By you, O Lord, may they be sustained and consoled in times of doubt and discouragement as they fulfill their ministry.


Mary, mother of Priests and example of faithful, humble and joyful acceptance of God’s will, come to the assistance of all who discern the call to Priesthood. Amen.


Saint John Vianney, Priest of the Lord and inexhaustible Confessor, in your quest to pursue your vocation, you were not deterred by the obstacles that came your way. Your strong faith carried you through all of life’s trials to your place in God’s Kingdom.


By contemplating on your life, may I be imbued with the same determination to be the best I can be in my life. Let what I think, say, and do, benefit my neighbor and lead me ever closer to our Heavenly Father.


Through your intercession may I be strengthened in courage and faith so that I too may give all to God without counting the cost.





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